カップル 家族 親友 優しいソフトタッチイラスト 似顔絵 シンプル オシャレ ハンドメイドマーケット Minne やっぱり好きだわ 彼をもっと虜にさせる彼女が仕掛けるバレンタインデート Mery メリー 恋人 イラスト かわいいスケッチ キュートなスケッチ Andrea Jane Corr is a member of the Irish pop/rock/Celtic musical group The Corrs In her younger years, Andrea was the best student among all her siblings, Sharon Corr, Caroline Corr and Jim Corr She began her life with the band as soon as she graduated from secondary school The Corrs' parents Gerry Corr and Jean Corr were musicians whoAndrea Corr is best known as a Folk